Sometimes in life it is difficult to get into a therapy office to obtain the treatment you need. Our providers specialize in meeting your unique needs through Telehealth (Online Therapy).
How do we deliver Telehealth?
The platform we use is secure and meets all HIPAA requirements. We will not record your session ever! The best thing is that our platform can be used on your computer, tablet, or smartphone!
Your EMPG Providers
Ms. Melissa Lawrence
Ms. Candice Miller
Dr. Brian Emery
Dr. Stephanie Milne
Dr. Darlene Loveday
All of our providers are experienced with providing services through Telehealth video conferencing and, in some instances, are considered specialists through various healthcare plans.
Telehealth Tech Support
There are three steps to log in
for your Telehealth appointment.....
1. Click on link
2. Scroll down and select Enter session
3. Type your first name when asterisk pops up
If you continue to experience problems with telehealth, please click here.