New Appointment Scheduling Process
1. Complete the "contact us" form below or call the office and leave a voicemail with our intake coordinator. Be sure to speak clearly and provide your name, date of birth, service you are requesting (i.e., individual therapy, neuropsychological evaluation), phone number, email, and the best time and day to call you back. Calls are generally returned within 24-48 hours.
2. While you are waiting for a call back, complete the intake paperwork here. Please select pre-surgical if you are seeing an evaluation for bariatric surgery or spinal cord stimulator trial clearance. Make sure to complete all parts of the forms and upload a copy of your ID and insurance card at the end (ID only need for Tricare and VA. Please mark "no" for insurance). You will receive a confirmation page.
3. Please note that your insurance benefits will be verified AFTER you are scheduled. We will email you what your out-of-pocket cost will be before services are rendered. We do require that you pay your share of cost at before the initial appointment so there is no issue with you being seen for your first appointment. All future required payments will need to be paid on the day of the appointment, prior to being seen. If payment is not made, your appointment will not occur.
Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
While you are waiting for a response, please feel free to visit our Forms page and compelte new patient intake forms to speed up the process!
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165 Wells Road, Suite 304, Orange Park, FL 32073
is located in the
River Place Office Park .
From 295 – Turn Left onto Wells Road (towards the river). Turn Left into the River Place Office Park (just after you pass the Orange Park Kennel Club on the right). We are located in the back and to the left at the end of the complex in Suite 304. You may park along the fence in the Visitor’s parking spots.
From Kingsley Avenue – Turn Right on to Wells Road. Turn Left into River Place Office Park (just after you pass the Orange Park Kennel Club on the right). We are located in the back and to the left at the end of the complex in Suite 304. You may park along the fence in the Visitor’s parking spots.
*Handicapped parking is located in front of Suites 203 and 204.
Your well-being is important, and immediate help is available. If you need emotional support, call 988 to reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone you know is facing a life-threatening emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
All Rights Reserved | Emery & Milne Psychological Group, LLC