1. When you call the office, please select new patient from the menu and leave a voicemail with our intake coordinator. Be sure to speak clearly and provide your name, date of birth, service you are requesting (individual therapy, biofeedback, neuropsychological evaluation), phone number, email and the best time and day to call you back. Calls are generally returned within 24-48 hours.
2. While you are waiting for a call back, complete the intake paperwork here. Please select adult if you are seeing individual therapy or a neuropsychological evaluation, minor for therapy for children/adolescents, and pre-surgical if you are seeing an evaluation for bariatric surgery or spinal cord stimulator trial clearance. Make sure to complete all parts of the forms and upload a copy of your ID and insurance card at the end (except for Tricare and VA. Please select "no" for insurance). You will receive a confirmation page.
3. Please note that your insurance benefits will be verified AFTER you are scheduled. We will email you what your out-of-pocket cost will be before services are rendered. We do require that you pay your share of cost before the initial appointment to avoid an issues with your first appointment. All future required payments will need to be paid on the day of the appointment, prior to being seen. If payment is not made, your appointment will not occur.
If your appointment is via telehealth, please make sure you have your link the day before the appointment. If you do not, please contact our office immediately. On the day of your appointment, please make sure you can connect to the appointment and arrive at least 10 minutes early. Your appointment will start once your provider starts the session.
If your appointment is in the office, please be sure to arrive 15 minutes early. When you arrive, please check in at the kiosk by selecting the name of the provider you are seeing. Our provider will greet you when they are available. Please take a seat and enjoy our calm and relaxing waiting area. At your appointment time, your provider will escort you to their office. You can expect to provide relevant background information during your first appointment so that your provider can know the best way to help you!
We take your confidentiality seriously. That is why when you call our office to verify, change or cancel your appointments, you will be asked specific questions in order to identify yourself. These questions will be asked regardless of how long you have been seen in our office or how many times you have called in. This may be uncomfortable at first but rest assured we are only doing this to be compliant with HIPAA and to guaranty that your confidentiality is kept. Remember we cannot speak to anyone on your behalf without a signed release in our office. If you feel that you may need a spouse or another party to call in and schedule or cancel any of your appointments for you at any time, please ask your provider for a release form or visit the link under the Forms section to complete the form electronically.
Our office has a strict 24 hour no-show/late cancelation policy. This means that we require that you provide us with 24 hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. Without this 24 hour notice, a $50 no-show/late cancellation fee will be charged. We do have to be strict about this policy since we have reserved the session time especially for you.
Emery & Milne Psychological Group, LLC accepts various Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) for some therapy services. It is the policy of Emery & Milne Psychological Group, LLC to never complete paperwork related to your ability to work (FMLA, disability, etc.) while you are using your EAP benefits.
Termination of therapy is inevitable. Although many people find psychotherapy beneficial, not all issues can be resolved through therapy. It is your right to discontinue treatment at any time. It is the therapist’s ethical responsibility to end the relationship when it is reasonably clear that the patient is not benefiting from treatment. However, when termination is being considered, one or sessions may be valuable to evaluate your goals, accomplishments and to determine whether additional sessions or self-care are advisable.
If you are entering therapy for the first time, you may have questions about how it will proceed. Therapy begins by understanding what brings you to it, what your concerns may be, and what you wish to accomplish. You will be asked about your life history, your current situation, and together goals shall be set. A treatment plan may be implemented. Therapy will involve exploring your feelings and thoughts, trying out new behavior and actions, and working to gain new insights. When you feel that you have accomplished your goals, it is useful to spend a session(s) reviewing those goals and looking at how you can continue to make progress on your own. This is an important time for you to evaluate how therapy has been helpful for you and for your therapist to make additional suggestions as needed.
• A computer, tablet, or phone (no applications or software to download).
• An external or integrated webcam.
• An external or integrated microphone.
• An internet connection with a bandwidth of at least 10 MBPS. We recommend an Ethernet cable over Wifi when possible to ensure you receive the best possible connection through your internet provider.
Ensure that you are using either Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. Telehealth is not supported for Internet Explorer or Edge.
It always a good idea to test out your connection and your ability to connect to your telehealth session before the session. Click here for directions on what you can do to prepare for your telehealth session.
You should have received both a text and email invitation from the Patient Portal. You can access your telehealth appointment from any device through the Patient Portal or via the email or text that was sent to you. Click here to access the Patient Portal.
Still having problems? Check out Joining a Telehealth Session here.
IMPORTANT: Telehealth is not supported on Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. We recommend using the browsers listed.
If your phone or tablet is going to sleep during your video session or in the waiting room, you may need to update the Display & Brightness settings on your device.
1. Access Settings on your device
2. Select Display & Brightness.
3. Set Auto-Lock to NEVER.
The issue of an IOS device joining and receiving a white screen can be resolved in 2 ways:
1. Users should either update to iOS 16.0.2 as the issue isn't able to be reproduced there. The issue seems to be more directly related to IOS 16.0.0
2. When using Safari, request desktop site instead of mobile site as the issue seems to be specific to the mobile site request for desktop.
Sometimes a simple “refresh” is all that is needed. Exit out of the telehealth application, close your browser, and go back in through the appointment link. Remember your provider has to have started the session before you will connect!
If you do this and you are still not able to connect and it is 10 minutes after your appointment time, you will need to reschedule your appointment.
Credit cards accepted:
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diner‘s Club, and JCB credit cards.
We do not accept PIN-only debit cards, and attempting to process a payment with a debit card will result in an error message and a failed transaction.
This includes HSA (Health Savings Account) cards and FSA (Flex Savings Account cards).
HSA and FSA cards must have a Visa, Discover, Mastercard or American Express logo on the card. We are only able to accept credit cards and debit cards with card brand logos to be processed as credit card transactions.
HSA or FSA Card companies might prevent a charge from processing due to settings in place by the card issuer. If this happens you will receive a decline message upon processing. A call from the Client to the card issuer can help resolve. TheraNest Merchant accounts are set up to accept these transactions which are coded under Merchant Category Code (MCC).
Common errors include:
• An error message that states "An Unknown Error Occurred" while trying to process a payment.
• Continuous spinning wheel when trying to process a payment.
• Unable to add a credit card to the client record/Nothing happens when you click the Manage Payment Methods or Add Payment Method buttons.
If you experience these errors while trying to enroll or process a payment with Therapy Brands Pay & Stripe, make sure you have your settings configured appropriately. Browser pop-up blockers should be disabled or turned off for all browsers, and Chrome is the recommended browser for Therapy Brands Pay & Stripe. If you are using an iPhone, iPad, or Mac, your settings should allow cross-site tracking and cookies.
To enable payment processing with Therapy Brands Pay & Stripe on your iPhone, go to your Settings > Safari and toggle off Prevent Cross-Site Tracking and Block All Cookies.
therapy brands pay settings safari.png
To enable payment processing with Therapy Brands Pay & Stripe on your Mac, choose Safari > Settings, click Privacy, then uncheck Prevent Cross-Site Tracking and Block All Cookies.
Stripe Mac Privacy.png
For Windows users - the pop-up blocker will need to be turned off and possibly need to clear the browsing history or as a last resort Restore to Factory Default or use Firefox as an alternate option.
Click here to read document about resolving error with payment processing.